History of our church
Here is what you can expect…
Worship brings us to a place of adoration and thankfulness to our Father for who He is and all he has done for us. We place a high value on spending much needed time to worship God together as a church family.
We make sure to leave some time most Sundays for stories about what God has done in our lives. God is always at work in us, and we do not want to miss out on any stories that encourage the rest of the church family.
Prophetic Encouragement
We place a high value on hearing what our Father has to say to us individually and as a church. We also desire to move in the direction the Holy Spirit leads for each service....
Children's Ministry
Every Sunday children up to the age of 13 are welcome to join our fun and educational children's program. Children learn how much they are loved by their Heavenly Father and are encouraged in their spiritual gifts and talents.
The Word
Most weeks a life giving message is shared from the Bible to encourage and remind us to live a life that glorifies God and brings us closer to Him. We occasionally have guest speakers from Catch The Fire Airport.
Prayer & Ministry
Prayer is involved in every aspect of our services. At the end of the service, time is made for allowing the Holy Spirit to minister to our hearts and to receive prayer.
On April 9th we celebrated our 2nd year in Barrie. John and Carol Arnott were there to help us celebrate.