How long does a service last?
A typical service is made up of around 30-45 minutes of awesome worship, diverse announcements, a message and closing with worship. That mounts up to around 2 hours.
Services vary from one another because we try to be flexible and do what God wants to do. We are BIG on listening to God and obeying him.
Also the worship is very free, so feel free to either seat or go wild :)
What can I expect?
We are an expressive church. This means we like to dance, sing out lout, clap, laugh, cry, shout... you name it. We believe God created us with unique personalities, passions, creativity and we want every area of our being to express itself. At the same time we believe God is a God of order and our services are done in order and respect of one another.
Where do I park?
There is a parking lot across the street with spots including accessible ones.
What time should I get to church?
At least 15 minutes before the service so you have time to park your car, check-in your kids to the kids program and find your seat.
Can I sit anywhere?
What do I have to wear, and do I have to bring anything?
Come as you are, bring a bible and notepad for taking notes.
I have kids - is there a nursery and a kids program ?
Yes, we have a kids program every Sunday.
Do I have to pay to attend church, or will I be asked for money at any time during my visit?
Everyone is welcome to attend church and there is no cost to attend. We do receive an offering as part of our service and is free-will. No one is under compulsion to give and you are welcome to let it pass by you.